Friday, September 12, 2014

I have always had a horrible sense of time. My brother has been making fun of me for it since I was three and the sad part is that I haven't gotten any better. If we had chicken last night for dinner, I may think it was a week ago. If  I'm assigned a paper due in three days, somehow my brain will compute that I have two weeks and time to spare. Clearly, with age, this problem would become more and more of an issue. I hardly sleep, never remember important dates until crunch time, and procrastination has become my middle name. Yet, somehow, I manage to maintain decent grades. If I simply put in a little more forethought and effort, my decent grades would jump to great grades. I may not be the best example, nor am I in the best place to be giving advice, but I'm going to give it, anyway. Know that work is work and it has to be done. If you want to torture yourself and hang out until two in the morning while English and History homework await you, go ahead. Just be prepared for stress, exhaustion, the struggle to stay awake in class, and never being up to ability. Better yet, just don't put yourself through it. Don't procrastinate.


  1. Thank you for your honesty, Faith. I will give you some advice as well--write EVERYTHING down. And don't just write the assignment down--write down when it is due, what steps are involved, and anything else relevant. If something is really important, write it down and highlight it. Keep a running list, and cross things off when you finish them.

    Also, in future blog posts you'll need to go more in-depth. Remember, to get the top grade level on these assignments you need 300 words.

  2. Hi Faith! I used to be never good with time management. I always felt that I either had too much time or not enough time. What I learned is if you want to hang out with friends until late at night, make sure you have time planned the day before or the day after to sit down and cram as much homework in as possible. Today, I am trying to get a week ahead of all my homework so next week I am not as stressed with big/little week.

  3. Hi Faith!
    I love the title of your blog, so clever. After reading your post I started thinking that maybe the reason why you have a hard time remembering things is because you don't get enough sleep. You may think your body doesn't need much sleep or like much sleep, but that just can't be true. The human body was designed to NEED at least 7 hours of sleep every day. You have probably developed this habit of not sleeping much, and your body has adjusted to it, because that's what our bodies do so amazingly well...adjust. However, a lack of sleep jeopardizes everything else in your life! Also, getting in the habit of recording due dates and homework/ places you have to be, will greatly decrease the stress in your life :) Hope this helps!
