Sunday, November 2, 2014

These past few Common Sessions have made me realize some crucial things. I admit that I have a habit of putting off what is in need of confrontation. I have a knack for allowing myself to live only in the now, but dealing with all things, past, present, and future, is the only real way to get through life. I usually let the future be the future and the now be the now. What I need to do is live in the now while looking ahead. When I don't look ahead, it is not because I am afraid. I would just rather not be burdened. I have forced myself into the mentality of "It'll be okay," and "Things will get done." What I fail to acknowledge is that things will only get done if I do them. Even if I wait, things will still need to be done, the only difference being that it is in the now of  the future. In the grand scheme of things, real matters require careful consideration; matters such as what I am going to do after I graduate and how I am going to get to that point in my life. To get there is a goal, but I should also do it to the best of my ability. I can't even recall the last time I did something to the best of my ability. Putting my all into something when it's too late or when there's too much pressure or when I've had too much convincing does not qualify as doing it to the best of my ability. The Common Sessions, in conjunction with having to type out this blog as an assignment, have forced it out of my peripheral and into my foresight that I need to work in the now and for the future. No more refusal to see what is ahead. That's my future and I want to do it to the best of my ability.